Griffin Fertilizer Co. — Frostproof, FL
“In 2000 our fertilizer building burned down. Shortly after the fire, we contacted Ranco Fertiservice. This proved to be one of the best decisions that we made.
Ranco asked us what our goals were for both storage capacity and blending capacity. They used our actual blends to design the blend system specifically for our business.
The Ranco sales and design teams also provided us building dimensions to help ensure that we would have the storage capacity that we were targeting. The building dimensions and design were extremely useful when it came to locating a contractor and getting competitive bids. Ranco engineers worked closely with our contractor to help insure the project was timely. We knew from the beginning that the building would be designed appropriately for the fertilizer storage application.
Since we installed the equipment in 2001 we have had very few serious problems or issues. But when we have had an issue, Ranco’s response is immediate and effective. Their parts and service department is second to none in getting us the parts we need quickly.
Ranco has proven to us that they manufacture superior equipment and stand behind it. I have recommended them highly to several other companies.”
Jesse Wooten
Vice President
Griffin Fertilizer, Co.
Frostproof, Florida
System Specifications
Receiving System
200 TPH receiving drag paddle
200 TPH receiving bucket elevator
24” wide overbin slider bed conveyor with two-way tripper
Blending and Load-Out System
Sixteen bin Volumetric Blender with six micro additive bins
158’ of blend auger
200 TPH load-out bucket elevator
Three-way electric distributor
Two 25-ton scaling hoppers on Ranco drive under structure
U-trough auger to weigh hoppers
Bagging system
Six ton bagging tank and bagging system
Sealing conveyor and take-away conveyor
Bagging turn-table